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Arrival/Departure Time

Two students smilingStudents are not to arrive before 8:00 a.m. as there is no supervision before this time. Upon dismissal, children are to promptly leave campus. For safety reasons, children need to be picked up within 15 minutes after the end of the school day. Students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Students not enrolled in after school enrichment classes must be picked-up no later than 3:15 p.m. We do not provide after-school childcare on campus.

Late Arrival

School starts at 8:30 a.m. If a student is late upon arrival in the morning, he/she is to check in at the office for an admit slip before going to class. It is important to be on time. Tardies are excused only for doctor/ dental appointments, injury, or illness with a note from students’ parents/guardians.

Early Release

Parent authorization is required for any student leaving school at times other than the normal dismissal time. Persons picking up a student during the school day must report to the office and sign out the student; they may not go directly to the classroom. Only persons who are listed on the school emergency card may pick up a student. Parents may add emergency contacts only in person, not by phone or note. Anyone not familiar to staff will be asked to provide identification before taking the student. The school must have an up-to-date home address, home phone number, cell phone numbers, email, and emergency numbers on file. Parents must keep the office informed of all changes during the school year.

Late Pick-up

When a child has not been picked up 30 minutes after the school day has ended and no parent contact has been received, the following steps may be taken:
  • The staff will try to contact the parent.
  • The staff will contact persons on the emergency card and ask them to pick up the child immediately.
  • The staff will contact Twin Rivers Police’s Department if all efforts to arrange pick-up have been unsuccessful.
  • If there is a repeated pattern, Child Protective Services will be called.

Closed Campus

To ensure student safety and supervision of all students, once students arrives on school grounds, they must remain on campus until the end of the school day. If a student needs to leave school for a family emergency or doctor/dental appointment, parents/guardians must sign their student(s) out at the main campus. A staff member will contact the classroom to notify the teacher prior to your entering the classroom. In addition, if a student leaves school grounds without this permission, a student is considered truant and is subject to disciplinary action.